This the gist of outcome of fourth National Anomaly Committee meeting held on 05.01.2012.
1. Increment Anomaly Settled :As per the information received from NAC Members , In today’s National Anomaly Committee Meeting. The point of anomaly in increment between Jan to June has been settled. It has been decided to issue orders for one time correction. Orders may come soon.
2. Grant of financial up-gradation in the promotional hierarchy instead of Grade Pay hierarchy under the MACPS is under consideration: The required data on this subject was sent to DOP&T by MOD in Last weak of Dec/2011. This point was also discussed in today’s National Anomaly Committee Meeting but could not be decided. Point is under consideration and it will be again discussed in next NAC-Meeting.
3. Grant of ACP to those who have completed 24 years before 01/01/2006 : As intimated vide previous circulars, earlier the file was not traceable in MOF(Expenditure). Now the case is traced and the same is under consideration/process in MOF(Expenditure) for issue of clarification.
4. Review DPC for promotion from CM – NT – OTS to JWM : OFB has committed to issue 120 promotions by 15th Jan/2012. ACR ratings of 120 ACRs of 120 CM/NT(OTS) has been asked from factories after meeting vide. DJWM-15 NT(OTS)/A/GB Dated. 28/12/2012. Letter and list is available in OFB-COMNET. All Branch Secretaries are requested to ensure that ACR Ratings of the individuals of each branch are sent to OFB by Factories at the earliest so that the promotions can be ordered by 15th Jan/2012.
5. DPC for promotion JWM to AWM for Last three Consecutive Years : There was a query of MOD on Final DPC Papers for 100 promotions from JWM to AWM submitted to MOD by OFB. OFB has clarified the same in first Weak of Jan/2011. Now the case is to be approved by the level of Jt. Secretary /LS(DDP) and to be submitted to UPSC for DPC. It may take maximum 02 months in issue of orders as per our assessment.